Friday 17 April 2015

Africa Must Take Care of Africans

 Nigeria will take you. Yes we will


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Show Love For Africa

In the wake of the killing of foreign nationals by South Africans a Nigerian Youth David Rhetoric Ejim wrote this on his facebook. It's a letter of hope for Africa.

Dear African Brother,

"Nigeria will take you. Yes we will".

"Though our problems are myriad too like yours. Though insecurity and corruption still rack our nation. Though we have our poor people too. We will accommodate you.

We have voted out an inept government and are hoping for better fortunes with the new. Our economy is the largest and one of fastest growing on the continent and concerted efforts to diversify it is being made. Our education system may be sputtering, but its quality is undeniable, the evidence being the increasing consciousness and aptitude of our populace.

Though service delivery is poor to non-existent, we are a nation of doers. When there are no roads we make ours, when there is no water, we dig boreholes, when power supply fails, we turn on the generators. Your industry will be appreciated here and you'll flourish.

We will take you as brother, not just because you helped us when we were at war, or because you gave us safe passage and refuge during the reign of oppressive military juntas, no, we will take you because we are one. The West may have divided us with lines on paper, but we are family.

"Our freedom from enslavement and oppression were then and can now only be brought about by ourselves. We will develop each other. We will shelter each other. We will fight your wars and end the tyranny you face. Because no man is safe when his neighbors house burns, we will stand with you. We pray you never have to do same, but should our need be dire, we hope you will take us in too"
‪#‎AfricaMustTakeCareOfAfricans‬ ‪#‎OneHumanity‬ ‪#‎SayNoToAfrophobia‬

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