Tuesday 19 April 2016

Eat at the Comfort of your Home without the Stress of Cooking

Eat at the Comfort of your Home without the Stress of Cooking

Honest News
Honest News

''I noticed that working class Bachelor's and Spinsters as well as married couples hardly have time to prepare their meals due to their rigorous work schedule and tend to spend a lot on feeding outside in fast foods and eateries hence the Birth of Korje Rhetor''-Ogar Nsor
 Our Services Include:
To be cooked and delivered include
1 Pot of;
  • Stews to last a week 
  • Afang Soup
  • Melon Soup
  • Edikang Ikong 
  • Groundnut Soup
  • Achi Soup
  • Okro Soup etc 
  • Special delicacies like Ekpang Nkwukwo, Plantain and Yam Porridge.
  All meals will be Prepared with either Goat Meat, Beef,Chicken or as Desired.

How We Works
We deliver based on individuals specification. 
When you give us a call,  We write the list or a quotation for the meal and You provide the funds. Upon  delivery you pay for service charge.

Other Services Includes 
  • Grocery shopping for the individuals or families.
  • Outdoor catering services. 
What are you waiting for, Call us today on 08071663995.
We Deliver to all Parts of Calabar and it's environs. 

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